
Rena Yehuda creates illustrations, graphics, comics, and zines on a variety of topics, including sexuality and Jewish spirituality. Find their work below. To commission Rena Yehuda, you can send an email to rena.yehuda@gmail.com.

Queer and Jewish Art

Commissioned Artworks


Graphics & Logos


Royalty of Elul (2023)

Published by Keshet in Av 5783 // August 2023, as part of a series of commissioned art pieces by various artists reflecting on the High Holidays season ahead.

Acorns (2021)

A short autofictive comic of Rena Yehuda babysitting their younger self.

Visiting Uncle Lou (2021)

A short auto-fictive comic of an imagined conversation between Rena Yehuda and Lou Sullivan.

Miscellaneous Comics

Single-page comics from 2019 – present.